In our last post on content marketing and content strategy, we showed what makes a good blog in terms of content. This time we are dedicated to the question of how often blogs should be posted and what to consider in content marketing strategy .
The most important rules for blogposts

Less is More
Better to have one blog less, but more user- and value-oriented content that provides answers to questions and problems of the target group.
“When should we post what?” is the common question in content production. The answer is simple: “Whenever there is something useful to tell the target audience.” The frequency of posting is not as important as the content. Of course, there needs to be regularity so that the search engine robots stay awake and are attracted to new entries on your site. The editorial plan, in which possible topics and posting frequency are planned in advance, helps with this. If there is no exciting topic, a post may be omitted or there may be two posts in quick succession if the content could be relevant for the target group.

Modesty is an adornment
Don’t talk too much about your own company, but respond specifically to the needs of your customers.
Target groups appreciate it when the blog is about their concerns – and not about your company. Offer concrete answers to the questions and problems of your target groups. In this way, you convey your competence better and more credibly than with generic advertising messages and self-promotion.

Brevity is the spice of life
The more concisely and focused content is conveyed, the easier it is to grasp and remember.
Short, memorable sentences are important so that a text is read with pleasure and to the end. Overall, a blog post should not be too long. Three to five main thoughts per text and one short paragraph per thought are optimal.

Please no keyword graveyard
Blog texts must remain readable as living texts.
In order for search engines to do well with your blog and deliver the appropriate search results to your target audiences, the following are essential Keywords important. However, no keyword stuffing is allowed. In the process, texts are overloaded with keywords for search engines. The texts then read correspondingly bulky and drive users away from your website. With care to meaningful place in terms of content keywords, on the other hand, do a good job. Important: Please only use keywords that your target groups search with!

Sales talks to
Be sure to coordinate the content with the sales department.
This is often overlooked in practice: The blog features high-quality content, the target groups respond to it, and that triggers inquiries from sales. The colleagues in sales, however, react irritated because no one has agreed with them beforehand. A good tip, therefore, is to coordinate the main topics for content creation with the sales department beforehand!
If you would like assistance with content planning and production for your blog, we will be happy to advise you.
Until the next update – your Growth Ninjas,
Adrienne, David, Johannes, Katharina & Stefan.
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