Core competence Digital Transformation

Icon core competence digital transformation

You hear everywhere: everything has to become more digital. What does that mean in concrete terms? Automating processes, buying expensive hardware and equipping employees with the latest smartphones is enough, isn’t it?

We not only support you in the transformation, but also enhance the digital skills of your employees.

So that new technologies are also used properly. Above all, monotonous manual tasks should be a thing of the past in your company. Digital transformation and thus automation leads to fewer errors and frees up resources for demanding work and targeted customer contact.

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Program and project management

Our approach is “project management with added value” – not just about project management “by the book”. We are experienced problem solvers who increase the understanding of the requirements of your IT and business departments at eye level with clear communication.

We are also happy to take on the management of difficult projects that have got a little out of hand. Without theoretical discussions and lengthy coordination loops, we work with you to complete the project in a solution-oriented and down-to-earth manner.

Digital solutions development

Do you want to drive your business forward with new digital solutions? With innovative products and services? So do we! Because we love to track down potentials, develop ideas, design process descriptions, draft scribbles and first screens, build prototypes and implement the best solution for you.

We do this as a team – with you and your users.

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Icon Planning IT projects

Planning and implementation of digital and IT projects

A key success factor in digital transformation is the quality of planning and managing the project, not least because of the organisational complexity involved. If two modules – whether software or processes – do not interact smoothly, systems will not work properly and will produce incorrect, sometimes misleading, results.

Planning ahead and managing all project stakeholders requires excellent communication skills, strong organisational skills and a clear focus on achieving objectives. We support you and also share our know-how with your employees.

Digitalization & Process Optimization

Whether processes exist only in the minds of employees, are partially documented, or are modelled in tools, an outsider’s view can reveal untapped potential and challenge entrenched processes. Is it really necessary for us to send a written letter to the customer in this case and thus create a media break? Aren’t there adequate digital forms of communication here? Where can we automate recurring work, perhaps by using interfaces and automations? Could a robot make life easier?

Process optimisation frees up resources that can be used elsewhere for more complex tasks and issues.

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Are you ready for
targeted and structured growth?

Examples of customer projects

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