Core competence Digital Sales & Business Development

Quite simply, marketing and sales go together. A company must use all digital channels and tools to best distribute its products. That’s Digital Sales.
We can help you put sales on a new digital footing.

And show you which digital tools you need to survive in the future, especially in complex B2B sales. Measurably and efficiently.
Sales Story
A company’s coherent sales story should be its secret weapon and at the same time the essence for all further marketing and sales activities.
Every email prospecting letter, every LinkedIn profile, every telephone prospecting call contains parts of your sales story. A sales story is not a marketing tool, but an internal guideline that subsequently influences all communication channels, both internal and external.
Sales Funnel - Pirate Metric (AARRR)
Many companies spend a lot of money on “marketing” that is appropriate for their target audience, but rarely align it with their customer-user journey.
We use the “Pirate Metric” to show you where there is the greatest need for optimization and leverage in marketing and sales. Acquisition, Activation, Revenue, Retention, Referral – or AARRR – like the pirate’s reputation!
Social Selling for B2C & B2B
Many buying processes have changed fundamentally in recent years due to the widespread dissemination of information and also require adaptation on the part of sellers. Moving away from push business to pull business – companies need to make their information easily available to potential customers on the Internet.
And social selling optimizes the basic steps in sales to make good sales staff even more effective, efficient and therefore more successful.
Lead Generation for B2C & B2B
Is your company a “lead magnet”? If not, then you have not yet targeted the interest of your potential customers to convert them to leads. From the selection of the target group, to the right approach via content marketing, to the landing page, the appropriate offer and the call-to-action (CTA).
The road is long and there is no panacea. We’ll guide you through the creative lead tunnel and turn your company into a lead magnet.
Partnerships & Cooperations
Every company asks itself the question every day: How do I sell my products best?
With your own sales staff directly to my customers or indirectly via sales partners? Or do I opt for a middle way? Where do partnerships make sense, which market can I serve alone? The answers to all these questions are not easy and have a direct impact on the structure and organization of your company. We will find the answers with you.
KPI Measurement Frameworks
You can make a lot of claims – but we “prove” the efficiency of our strategies and measures by agreeing KPIs with you and using these as our benchmark.
These measurement frameworks also make it clear to you where there is potential for improvement and which wheel in the variety of measures influences which value in the framework.